Join Us

We welcome new members
Dues and fees are listed below. In addition, donations to the building fund are always welcome, although not required. While we have no plans to add on to our building, it is over 60 years old and requires upkeep and renovation on a fairly regular basis. A payment plan can be arranged, to allow for payment of dues in several installments. Dues can also be pro-rated for those joining mid-year. For those wishing to attend high holiday services only, tickets may be purchased.
Kid's Hebrew School
We are unable to operate our religious school at this time. Instead, members of the congregation have been able to make arrangements for their children to attend classes at other local synagogues, including Temple B'Nai Israel in Willimantic and Congregation Ahavath Achim in Colchester. These temples are willing to accept fees for religious school, without requiring membership dues.